Hamer Technology is a leading provider of Assistive Technology and related solutions for the educational sector and workplace environments.
We specialise in the support of individuals with specific learning difficulties (SpLD). Many people use SpLD synonymously with dyslexia (a difficulty with words), however it is now generally accepted that dyslexia is only one of a group of difficulties including; dysgraphia (writing difficulty), dyspraxia (motor difficulties), dyscalculia (a difficulty performing mathematical calculations), attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), asperger’s syndrome and autism (emotional behaviour or even social communication difficulties).
Only those who have experienced the challenges of having a SpLD truly understand the complications and difficulties that arise in a learning situation and the excitement when they are able to present information in a way that matches their thinking style or preferences. These are our key skills and we have assisted in providing support and solutions to over 10,000 individuals, enabling them to achieve their goals and aspirations.
We are also an accredited member of the Disabled Students Allowance Quality Assurance Group (DSA-QAG) and a member of British Assistive Technology Association (BATA).